Embark on your exciting Degen journey with Bugz Bunny Sol🚀

Laugh your way to crypto success with Bugz Bunny Sol on Solana! 🌐✨

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ABOUT 🚀 Bugz Bunny Sol ($BUGZZY) 🐰

Welcome to Bugz Bunny Sol, where cartoon meets crypto in an epic fusion of laughter and blockchain innovation. Strap in for a hare-raising adventure on the Solana blockchain with our mischievous mascot, Bugz Bunny! 🌐✨

Bugz Bunny Sol is not just a coin; it's a laughter-fueled crypto adventure on the Solana blockchain. Join us for an exciting journey filled with memes, fun-loving community members, and unique experiences.

Immerse yourself in our meme-tastic community, where humor is the heart of the game. Explore exclusive Bugz Bunny Sol NFT collectibles, capturing the whimsical essence of our mascot's escapades.

Bugz Bunny Sol is more than a cryptocurrency; it's a revolution. A community-driven project focused on transparency, innovation, and, of course, having a good time in the crypto space.

🌐 Stay Connected: Connect with Bugz Bunny Sol on Telegram and X for the latest updates, contests, and community happenings. Your adventure with Bugz Bunny Sol begins now!

Bugz Bunny Sol Roadmap 🌍💰

Phase 1: Launchpad 🚀

Bugz Bunny Sol takes off with a fair launch on the Solana blockchain, ensuring a decentralized and inclusive start for the community.

Phase 2: Meme Magic Unleashed 😂

Introduce meme-tastic community activities, contests, and engage Bugz Bunny enthusiasts in a laughter-filled crypto journey.

Phase 3: NFT Wonderland 🎨

Launch Bugz Bunny Sol NFT collectibles, allowing the community to own unique digital assets that capture the whimsy of our mischievous mascot.

Phase 4: Ecosystem Thrive 🌐

Reward loyal holders with $BUGZZY tokens, explore strategic partnerships within the Solana ecosystem, and watch Bugz Bunny Sol grow into a thriving community-driven project.

Tokenomics 🌍💰

Total supply

  • 69,420,000 - a nod to the meme number culture.

  • Token Distribution

  • Liquidity on Radyium: 62,478,000 (90%) - Ensuring a stable trading environment.
  • Team and Advisors: 3,471,000 (5%) - Team.
  • Community and Marketing: 3,471,000 (5%) - For promotions, partnerships, and rewards.

  • Equality for All


    $BUGZZY, a memetic cryptocurrency, holds no inherent value or anticipation of financial gain. It doesn't have a formal team or a predefined roadmap. This token serves no practical purpose and exists solely for entertainment and amusement.